Malabares editoriales para sobresalir, los audioresúmenes: nuevos y creativos instrumentos de inclusión social para los no videntes en el ámbito académico.


  • Gabriel Angelotti Pasteur Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



Abstract, Audio, Social inclusion, Tools, Visual impairment, Editorial


It has been 3 years since the birth of our magazine and during this time we were able to realize some of our foundational aspirations. For example, we managed to sustain the publication without the need to resort to internal or external financing; we provide the opportunity for students to publish their first academic articles (in the section we call "liminal"); we consolidated a work team composed of students and professors of the "Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas "; we carry out the first multimedia experiences (audio summaries); We design our own website, and, among other activities, we integrate students to carry out their social service.


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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2017). Malabares editoriales para sobresalir, los audioresúmenes: nuevos y creativos instrumentos de inclusión social para los no videntes en el ámbito académico. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 3(6), 11-14.

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